Tech Demos
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Scotty3D This animation was made using Scotty3D, a 3D rendering and animation software developed by students of the Computer Graphics course at CMU. All figures in this video were sculpted (excluding the initial human), animated, and rendered using code written by me. (You might want to turn down your volume for the video.)
Farming Simulator One of the minigames developed for the Peppo game featured above. Because Peppo included so many minigames, we built them modularly. Here is a closer look at just one of the minigames I worked on.
Spikes This full project doesn't have a specific title, but this video shows my contribution to an animation project involving an argument between two people. As one person shouts angrily, their head produced outward-facing spikes whose size are dependent on how loudly the shouting is. The individual being yelled at experiences the same, but with the spikes facing inward.
Split Eye Experiments This basic prototype was an experiment in casting different images to both eyes of a VR headset. Some objects, like the walls, can be seen by both eyes, where objects like the orange cube and the pink cube can only be seen by the left eye and the right eye respectively. Nevertheless, all objects collide with each other in both eyes despite the user not seeing them.
OpenPose in Unity This prototype was used as a base for a small game developed at the CMU ETC that involved a player using their webcam to fly through the clouds and experience freedom.
LeapMotion VR Mirror Reflections This prototype was developed to test a feature used in a VR horror gamecentered around looking through a mirror. The player would be able to interact using their hands using a LeapMotion, with their body being reflected across from them in the mirror. Throughout the experience, we would mutate and corrupt both the mirror world and the real world to the point where the mirror was no longer recognizable as a mirror and the guests's nightmare had come true.
Axis Neuron Full Body Tracking This was a test of the Axis Neuron full body tracking suit lent to me by the CMU ETC. As of yet, this hasn't been used in a project, but I was able to get it all hooked up and working to the point where others would be comfortable developing for it in the future.